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Social Science Research

JDG has deep experience in serving our social science research clients through identifying the most talented professionals who will significantly impact public programs and policies. Researchers, survey professionals and subject matter experts must combine innovative thinking with a rigorous approach in order to evaluate, enhance and offer real-world solutions to some of the nation’s biggest social issues.  

JDG’s expertise includes finding talented research professionals in the following areas: health, labor, food and nutrition, education, and communities of change.  Building teams of individuals who are committed to intellectually challenging, meaningful work that makes an impact on millions of lives is a critical factor for success.  JDG understands that its clients want professionals that are creative, collaborative, entrepreneurial and committed to making a difference.  It is this knowledge that makes our service in this area unrivaled.

For the best insights on executive search download our free ebooks!

10 Benefits of Retaining an Executive Search Firm

Find the ideal candidate by using a retained search


Mentoring: Starting an In-House Program

Find the ideal way to start an in-house mentoring program
